Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How can my boyfriend pass the drug test he has to take this Saturday?

As long as he has not done any hardcore drugs, or has been a heavy drug user for the last few months or longer, a few days without any drugs in the system (ie alcohol and marijuana) he should be OK. Don't drink or smoke past tonight, assuming you are referring to this Saturday.How can my boyfriend pass the drug test he has to take this Saturday?
dont do drugs maybe?How can my boyfriend pass the drug test he has to take this Saturday?
hah how about don't do drugs....
Well he could drink a bunch of vineger as well as water and hope for the best. The vinegar will shrink your stomach and the water will flush out the THC in your system, but this is not near plausible. My best recommendation is to find your local head shop or health store and locate sythetic urine. Many hours before the test place the little bottle of sythetic urine in the scroutum area therefore it will be at body tempature and hope that he will not be directly watched but most of the time that is not the case and it should not be a problem. Also you could have the sythetic urine next day from the internet.
okay, i agree with the other people, but in the interest of actually answering your question:

theres a bunch of things he can do, most of them involve buying expensive cleaners from head shops or gnc (just don't tell them your trying to pass a drug test, or by policy they have to ask you to leave).

or, there's my favorite option. take five bucks (around here its 5.12, but it may be more or less where you are) and go to riteaid or walgreens or some other pharmcy. ask someone to point to you in the direction of the stomach health section. if they work there, theyll know what your talking about. (again, DO NOT TELL THEM YOUR TRYING TO PASS A DRUG TEST)

get a gallon jug of aleo vera juice, go home and drink it. all of it. in one day. drink and eat nothing. it sucks, but it works. the taste isn't too terrible, its a little bit...tingly (ull understand if you try some) but you can add a little koolaid mix in if you need to.

the entire jug needs to be drunk in one day and he can't do any drugs that day. this works best the day before his test.

also, i should add, that i know for a FACT that this works, but i can only say that as far as marijuana goes.
If he's been doing drugs, he can't.

EDIT: THC is stored in the body's fat for 30 days, whether he smoked a joint or an ounce. Those GNC ';cleanses'; and rosehips, et al, do NOT work.

And if they do a hair follicle test, he's completely screwed.
Alittle to late for that.
you should let your boyfriend worry about his own problems and deal with his actions. i hate when the girls get too involved to protect their precious boyfriends..
*facepalm* umm... tell him to not do drugs... DUH. Thats common sense.

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