I snuck out over to my boyfriends house at 2 in the morning and got back at 4. We were texting later and his mom read something he said that implied I had been over... since his screen fell out, she put 2 and 2 together and called my parents. We didn't do anything other than kiss, although my parents don't believe me.
Now I have no priveleges... How can I earn my parents trust back? This was like, a one time thing, idk what I was thinking. Please help... I've had cutting issues since 7th grade when I got orally raped and I just sliced up my arm and it won't stop bleeding. Again, idk what I was thinking. And my boyfriends going to kill me when he finds out I've been cutting again. (I'm not even supposed to have a boyfriend. *****.)
Help me get my parents trust back so this'll be easier... so I can stop cutting for good..How to earn my parents trust back?
Ok Annie.. I was the one who left the long post earlier on your other msg. So here goes..
First off, earning your parent's trust right now is not the big issue. When you have a problem, ANY kind of problem..it's always a good idea to look at the root of it. The first real problem here is the cutting. So you need to sit with yourself and figure out what the ';root'; issue is to this. Why do you do it, in other words. Is it for attention, is it because you think you deserve pain, is it because you are not properly dealing with your emotions..so you take it out in a physical way, etc., that kind of thing.
Believe me, I know how difficult it must be to be a teen-ager right now. Here's the thing.. your parents probably aren't going to ';get'; your problems, and your friends are probably just as busy trying to deal with their own or too busy pretending they don't have any..whatever. We are human beings Annie.. we are responsible for our own brains and behaviors. You can either be like every other shallow media following zombie out there.. or.. you can be a kick-a$s warrior chick who is not going to let this ridiculously shallow world get to her!!! You have to be strong. Read up on self-help type training for yourself. Positive thinking, that sort of thing. Its a good start. Try doing the opposite of what you normally do. Like if you find your brain flowing into depressing thoughts like ';my life sucks'; or ';no one cares'; and that kind of stuff.. then do the opposite. Even if it sounds gay, do it anyway. Instead tell yourself (in your head) that you are awesome, attractive, magnetic, always make good decisions, etc., that kind of thing.
As for your parents and trust. Well c'mon.. of course they are not going to trust you now dude! haha. Sorry. But really. But they will ..eventually. Just tell them the truth. Say, ';look, yep, I did sneak out, I know it was super-stupid.. but surely you guys remember what it was like when you liked someone a whole lot?'; And then add ';I know that is no excuse, and I know what I did was wrong, and I made a poor choice without thinking it through.';
And here's how you gain their trust back..eventually. You do your absolute best to make right choices. And I am not necessarily saying that your parents are always right.. I doubt it, they are human. What I am saying.. is we as human beings can ';feel'; when we are making a wrong decision. So when you get that feeling.. just simply..don't do it. Start living the way you want to be. Who do you want to be? Do you want to be a good person who makes smart decisions? Then start now. And do not give up! Don't just do it for like a week, and then expect everyone to see how great you are and how much you have changed. KEEP doing it, it takes time. Most importantly though..do it for YOU. Do it because you want to be different than all the zombies. You want to be a good human being from now on!How to earn my parents trust back?
well for one you should tell your parents that your cutting and let them know why. second you should just tell them that you guys really didnt do anything and that your really sorry. if they start letting you do things again just make sure you obey everything they say and show them that they can trust you again.
Be honest with them. Tell them about what you're thinking and feeling; they'll admire your honesty and you'll be able to gain their trust back as long as you behave yourself. :) You should also tell them about your cutting, then they can support you in your recovery.
just apologize to your parents and stop cutting yourself, you need help to find out why youd enjoy all that pain from cutting, i hate pain myself.
wow, u really blew it, i bet they thought u were having sex
Talk to your parents about your cutting and why you are cutting. Also, I've heard that putting your hands into icy water can be a substitute when you're trying to quit cutting.
Talk to your parents more and explain to them everything that happened that night. Don't tell them lies, listen to what they say and don't complain if they don't let you go somewhere. You broke their trust and hurt them so they have every right to limit your freedom. Show you are trust worthy with little things like keeping your grades up, always feeding and taking care of pets walking to the local store and buying milk or something. Eventually they'll start trusting you again but it will be a slow process. Talk to your parents about what's going on in your life and help them understand you. Be more open with them and if they don't want you to have a boyfriend yet, you probably shouldn't.
Tell your boyfriend you're sorry about what happened and I think you should break up with him. You can go out again when you're older and your parents allow you to date.
It takes time.
You might have to start off by being an 'extra good child' like if you're going out somewhere, make sure you tell them exactly where you're going, don't lie...make sure you're home early (if you have a curfew, it might be good to come home much earlier than that curfew). Spend time with them, do things for them, talk to them! Talking to your parents is the key to everything. If you talk to them, they will gain more trust.
I would even suggest that you speak to them about your problems (cutting yourself), if they see that YOU have trust in THEM...they will trust you back. If you are hiding these things from your parents, there is no way they will trust you. So just start a clean slate....sit down with them and tell them everything. It will be hard, but they will be there for you and support you.
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