I'm 15 and my parents are spliting up :( its been hard but my boyfriends been there for me.. i've been feeling strange and my periods are almost a week late? which is really weird because they are usually on time everytime. If i am pregnant i dont know how to ask my mum for help or even tell her? i dont know what to do ?How do i tell my parents?
oh honey, dont panic
have you done a test yet? because if you haven't then how are you sure, you're pregnant.
it couldd just be a normal late period. And if you are certain you are then it is best to tell the more calm parent first and if you can, bring your boyfriend with you.
God bless..xHow do i tell my parents?
First you need to sit down with just your mom and tell her you really need to talk to her about something that is extremely important. Be honest with her and hopefully she will be supportive.Start off by saying I know you may think I'm too young for sex but I want to let you know that I am sexually active and there is a chance I may be pregnant and I need your help.
Good luck
First of all don't panic or stress as this can delay your period...
The only way you are going to find out is if you come on your period or you do a test...
I suggest you get a test...
If your in the Uk brooke advisory clinic can help you with that, its all completely confidential..and from what I can gather I think US has something similar called planned parenthood?
Anyways..You need to do that first off...
Then if you are pregnant you need to sit down with your mum and try talk the situation through,
it wont easy for either of you, especially if your parents are going through a break up...
What do you mean by feeling really strange?
I fell pregnant at 17 and now have a little boy who is nearly 4...
I told my mum straight away and she was quite supportive, but my dad on the other hand was screaming at me to get an abortion...
You need to do what you think is right, don't let anyone push you into anything...
Good luck hun...
Keep us posted
x x
Before you make things worse for your parents, take a test, if it says positive,(it may be wrong) go to a clinic, and if it's still positive.
Tell, just say you're pregnant, I'm not going to sugar coat it like everyone else.
Because it's your responsiblity to be safe when you're having sex.
She's your mum, only you know what will be the best way to tell her.
Your choice, not ours. This is something you have to figure out for yourself.
If you need free counseling while you are making your decision (they respect your decision whatever it is): http://www.yourbackline.org
Info if you need it . . . .
This will walk you through getting an abortion through NHS
The law in England, Wales and Scotland says that you can have an abortion in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy as long as certain rules are met. You will be able to get an abortion on the NHS if you get the agreement of two doctors. They must be certain that the abortion meets the rules. Usually the first doctor is your GP and the second is a doctor working at the hospital or clinic where the abortion takes place. Legal abortions are available to women in Northern Ireland only in very limited circumstances.
You can get general advice and information about getting an abortion from your GP or family planning clinics.
Help is also available from voluntary organisations, for example, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), which runs its own clinics in England, Wales and Scotland (www.bpas.org.uk). Some abortions at a BPAS clinic are paid for by the NHS. This depends on where you live. You can get more information on the BPAS website at: www.bpas.org.uk. The website has information in a range of community languages, including Spanish, Polish and Punjabi.
If you cannot get the abortion on the NHS, you'll have to pay privately. The price depends on how many weeks pregnant you are and which method is used to carry out the abortion.
British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), which runs its own clinics in England, Wales and Scotland www.bpas.org.uk
NHS Direct website in England at www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk.
In Wales, visit the NHS Direct website at www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk.
In Scotland, go to www.nhs24.com.
Good luck whatever you choose to do.
~Pro-Choice Momma; Have had an abortion %26lt;no regrets%26gt; and I have a 16 month old daughter %26lt;no regrets%26gt;. I believe in protecting my daughter's choice.
Abortion: There is a Consensus
just talk to your mom and tell her that there is a possibility you might be pregnant...also take a home pregnancy test to check and see if youre pregnant...you have to talk to your mom for she can understand that you are going to need help throughout the pregnancy...she might be mad at first but later on she will get over it and will help you and the baby out...i hope everything works our for you...
awwwww....be strong
periods can be late due to stress
and if you wanna check if your are pregnant or not and don't wanna tell you mom...get a pregnancy test kit and check without telling her.
You need to just be honest with your parents. Trying to lie to them and hide it is only going to make you look childish. Be as mature about the situation as possible, that way if it turns out your going to be a mother you can be at least one step in the right direction. Yes it's going to be tough and I've been in your shoes when I was 15. I was so scared to tell my mother but I did and she was upset but was very glad I told her.
Make sure you are really pregnant before you bring it up and then just tell them like you tell them anything else in your life. Stand your ground if you want to keep, put up for adoption, or otherwise. They may have an idea that they have some say in the situation which they do, but it is your choice. Make sure you know what you want to do. Don't have the boyfriend with you because I know that if my daughter came to me and told me she was pregnant with the guy standing next to her I would be about murdering him.
If you tell the truth, it becomes part of your past.
If you tell a lie, it becomes part of your future.
No you're not pregnant
When you're pregnant your period stops all together
Don't worry and good luck with your parents!
maybe having a grandkid will bring them back together
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