i don't want to dump him because he gets hurt easily and i really like him but as a mate really. i always get mixed up when i talk to him and i just really liked it when we were mates...How can i make my boyfriend dump me?
sleep with random menHow can i make my boyfriend dump me?
tell him the truth
Grow a spine and just break up with him.
Don't be so manipulative - do your own dirty work.
tell him u had a one night stand n u was drunk?
gross him out,get on his nerves,be really in his buisness.
look unattractive to him and don't bathe for a while so you'll stink. perhaps act slutty around him too. you'll be dumped in no time.
I say dump him because he will get more hurt if you do things to make him break up with you. The truth is always the best. Good luck
Cheat on him.
dissagree with him and dont talk to him as much as u used to. OR just dump him urself!
even if he gets hurt easily, you shouldnt string him along. talk to him and tell him you just wanna be friends. yes you risk him not wanting to be firends anymore but at least you will have done the right thing.
Thats probably not the best way to do it. If you really don't want to be with him the best answer would be honesty. It will just cause issues for you and him if you try to make him dump you. Unfortunately if you are dumping him to become ';mates'; again, this will -not- work. Unless this is a very rare person.
I would suggest not stabbing him in the eye with a fork also.
If you only liked him as a mate or a friend then how are you boyfriend and girlfriend. You probably gave him the wrong idea that you really liked him when you didn't. Now he's going to get his feelings hurt because you were dishonest with him.
its mean to act different and make him jealous, but it can lead him to dumping you. or you could pluck up the courage and dump him, because he's going to have to deal with break ups later on in life, he may feel the same way, which would then really help with your friendship. (: good luck (:
watch How to lose a guy in 10 days
easy, you break up with him
try and catch him out.
or let him down gently saying you don't feel the relationship i going anywhere
The thing is, you may want to make him break up with you, but that's not going to end well. First of all think about it, do you really want to break up with him or is it just a small dent in your relationship, or do you just want to break up with him. If you decide that you actually want to break up with him, break it to him easily, go somewhere in private and tell him you are really happy to be in a relationship with him but its a little award and you might just be better of being just friends. It might hurt both of you for a while but it will end well someday
here is mine: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AoTUKsjRfKrFB68Lco5yEWXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100425054505AAZatpa
just tell him you would be better off as friends
Tell him you are thinking of becoming a Nun and as such you will have to part...failing that tell him you are now into girls.
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